About us
Mission and vision
WHO KNOWS GINNY is the go-to platform where you can find good job opportunities and great people. We bridge the gap between demand and supply by providing access to Ginny's high 
quality network  consisting of  job professionals, freelancers, businesses and entrepeneurs. Let's make our social capital accessible and grow our community together!
Who Is Ginny?
Ginny Ranu is a multidisciplinairy creative entrepeneur from Amsterdam! After starting her first platform back in 2013 and shaking up the recruitment industry by being the first to bring job listings to social media and collecting the best jobs you usually don't easily find, Ginny was ready for the next chapter. After six years of successfully building her previous business she sold her shares to her 
former co-founders. The past years Ginny spent her hours making media such as writing a weekly column for LINDA.nl, making podcasts for Dag & Nacht Media, launching her own science podcast Biologica, writing columns for Playboy magazine and doing t.v. Ginny’s main career 
purpose still is to enrich the lives of those who look for a valuable foundation, whether it’s 
work or housing, by sharing and connecting her network. It was inevitable to start something new and fresh and you're looking at it right now!
Values and principles
At WHO KNOWS GINNY we encourage our users to include diversity and prioritize equality 
in advertising content. Representing a wide range of perspectives, cultures, and 
backgrounds as it’s scientifically proven to add great value to every company.
The chance to be successful in life can be reached by having access to the right 
connections. We support self-development by closing the social capital inequality gap and 
opening up our networks. If you don’t have one, just use ours! Sharing is caring :)
WHO KNOWS GINNY does not only offer access to a fruitful network, it also utilizes 
influencer marketing to disseminate ads for products beyond conventional offerings and by 
so, generating widespread reach outside its own target audience. WHO KNOWS GINNY has  a distinctive approach when it comes to offering solutions to everyday challenges.
WHO KNOWS GINNY provides a one-stop-shop for people who are looking for people by 
letting them upload ads, presenting them to our community and network through this website, our 
 social channels, those of mediapartners and word-of-mouth.
Simply upload and pay for your ad, let us perform a little check to make sure you’re at the 
right place and off you go.
We emphasize the importance of generating a high quality and blended network by inclusion 
and diversification and we encourage you to be open minded. Everybody benefits!
Future goals
Limits only exist in the mind's periphery. We have set some very interesting future goals 
you’ll hear about soon enough. For now we focus on jobs, gigs and services, but we’re 
working on providing people with a solid life base.
Level up, join WHO KNOWS GINNY today!