Frequently Asked Questions
You might have some questions for us which we’re happy to answer!

You can upload an ad through our uploading tool. Simply click on ‘Place an ad’, create an account and fill in the form by following a few easy steps. Check the preview, submit your ad and we’ll do the rest. After we receive your upload, we’ll do a double check to make sure everything is in order and your ad fits the guidelines. If it doesn’t, we’ll contact you, if it does, off your ad goes, woosh into the world wide web! We distribute your ad on our own channels: website - Instagram - LinkedIn - newsletter and on those of your preferred influencer(s), experts, authorities and/or media if you’ve upgraded your selection. We strive to review your ad within 1-2 business days.

Yes! We work with amazing categorized influencers, experts, authorities and media to make sure your ad is seen by the right audience to increase your chances of converting your ad into job applicants. Simply contact us for an overview of options and rates and increase your reach, visibility and employer branding!

Whether you’re looking for a new colleague, a freelancer, someone for a one-time-only gig, a whole team or a professional who can help you with a project; you came to the right place. Any form of advertisement when it comes to illegal or sexual activities is strictly forbidden and will be reported to the authorities.

Of course. At WHO KNOWS GINNY you only pay for the ads you upload and are approved by us. Note:

WKG does not allow coaches to upload an ad based on selling courses and ‘teaching materials’ such as e-books, documents a.o.

Upload an ad or job listing on our website to reach the right job applicants, or reach out to us for recruitment or advertising availabilities with our mediapartnersand we'll sort you out with the solution!

We want to make life easier for you. Finding the right people shouldn’t be a scavenger hunt. That’s why we like to collect the right people, opportunities and services all on one platform. Time is money, friends, we make your search time short and efficient. We also offer the opportunity to crosspost your job listing on, media platforms and other outlets with the right target audience. That way your company increases reach, visibility and it's part of your employer branding!

Heck yes. you can! Just make sure you don’t offer anything shady, illegal or sex-related. It’s also of great importance that it meets our guidelines and fits our vision and audience to make sure you get the best results. If you have any questions about an ad you want to post, just reach out to us and we’ll get back to you soon.

At WHO KNOWS GINNY we make sure your personal information is protected and won’t end up in the hands of both commercial parties and/or people with shady intentions. We’re not sharing any personal information with anybody. General data might be used to improve our platform.

Once uploaded, you can’t edit your post right now. That’s a feature we’ll implement in a later tech development stage. However, if you send us an email, we can do it for you!

You can contact us through our contact page and we’ll get back to you a.s.a.p.

You upload and pay for your ad on the spot and you’ll receive an invoice. After we approve your ad, it’ll be automatically posted on the platform. If it gets declined, you’ll receive an email from us with the reason why. Unfortunately it’s not possible yet to edit an already uploaded ad. If you receive instructions on how to improve your copy, you’ll have to upload a new one or we make the changes for you. Make sure you have your copy saved so you can simply copy+paste and edit. We’re working on technical improvements everyday. If your ad stays unapproved, we’ll credit your invoice.

Absolutely! As long as it’s legal for you to work in foreign countries, we actually encourage working from anywhere or relocating to do what you love!

To celebrate our launch, we offer free uploads for companies up until the 1st of September 2024, because we want you to get familiar and comfortable with our service! But we gotta pay the rent, so this is a ‘limited time only’ offer. After this, we ask for a 199,- basic fee to review your ad, make a social template for it, cross post it on our channels, do the financial administration and pay ourselves. We don't offer a 'money-back-policy', but if you need more than we did, please let us know and we'll come up with a fitting solution.

Ads get posted and sorted by ‘latest-oldest’. We don’t offer a boost option at the moment. Make sure yours stands out. Be creative!

Anyone and any organization that is looking for talented professionals or work. Freelance, parttime, fulltime, one-offs and so on. May it be in finance, tech, fashion, corporate law, PR or journalism for example; anything goes! WHO KNOWS GINNY likes people who vouch for others, so if you’re a friend of our friend, you’re our friend too.

As stated earlier, no shady and illegal practices, no sex-related (job) offerings, no coaching businesses.

Sure thing! The layout might be slightly different from the browser version, but everything is there.

Please only use contact details if you’re seriously interested in work or service. We appreciate honesty and respect, so if you’re a sales shark who’s on the hunt for contact info, we kindly ask you to hunt somewhere else.

‘Snitches get stitches’, but not at WHO KNOWS GINNY. We love people who’re sharp and on point. You can report any wrongdoings by contacting us.

We do save your name and email address, but you can delete your data when you remove your account!

Curation, curation, curation.

Oui, jawohl, zeker! There are no restrictions by default, unless a company or country restricts certain websites.

Can’t find the question you’ve been looking for? Send us an email