Ginny built a network by connecting others and she wants you to use hers too!
You need opportunities to excel and develop your business or career so you can do what you love the most. Don't worry if your network is not that big, simply use Ginny's through this platform.
Ginny's college background was solely based on MAVO and MBO and she kept on building and investing in her mostly self-taught career. Along the way she encountered so many opportunities that contributed to being the entrepeneur she is today. How she did it? Two key things: She built a network by helping and connecting others, since it’s what she does best and loves the most. Second; She wasn’t afraid to ask that same network to give her a chance to develop her skills and knowledge. With her newest platform she wants you to use her network as well. Now you also have more chances to develop your business or career. WHO KNOWS GINNY loves to help good people find great people!